Digital Dentistry: How to Get the Best Margin Scan with Your IOS
For laboratory-fabricated dental restorations, impressions are always the foundation. However, getting an excellent impression can sometimes be difficult and unpredictable with conventional methods. In order to capture an impression that can deliver predictable results, digital impressions have their own considerations.
Here at Backer Dental Lab, we have made thousands of restorations using a digital workflow, and we have established some key factors that clinicians should take into consideration when they are capturing digital impressions.
In this article, we are going to highlight a few key techniques that will help you capture the best margins with your IOS:
#01. Acquire a sub-marginal line of sight.
What you see in your mirror is what the scanner is going to pick up, so you want to see a .5mm sub-marginal. Oftentimes, we receive digital impressions that do not have an adequate job of tissue as well as moisture control. Although the margin is visible, it is not definable. Impression material will force tissue and moisture out hydraulically and would have it travel sub-marginal. Your pre-impression techniques must be able to accommodate the same sub-marginal requirement visually. When there is no sufficient separation between the soft tissue and the margin, it can be seen immediately with the first scan.
#02. Assure a margin ideal isolation.
One of the most effective ways to gain a clear digital scan is preparing a supragingival margin. This is not, however, always possible. When subgingival margins are present, these are the retraction strategies that work well:
*Use a soft-tissue laser and remove unhealthy inflamed bleeding tissue that is impinging on the margin.
*Use retraction paste to give you the cleanest line of sight.
*You may also use a packing cord – it is an effective means to get the isolation that you need.
#03 Margin Prep Design
It is always best to polish your prep. The chamfer margins let the milling process to produce the most intimately-fitting drown. Feather-edge margins should be avoided, especially when they are deep subgingival.
For more useful techniques on how you can get the best margin scans with your IOS, then feel free to visit our website today. You may also give us a call and we will be more than happy to assist you and your dental needs. We hope to hear from you soon!