Shade Communication
An accurate assessment of color and shade is important in achieving esthetically matching dental restorations, especially in the anterior region. To get great results, you can send us a clear picture or, if you are local, the patient can visit Backer Dental Laboratory so we can do the shade analysis in person.
*For patients within our local service
Custom Shade Pick
There are times that it can be difficult to determine a base shade for a crown and that you would like to proceed with a custom shade pick. The initial shade is chosen by holding up shade tabs for reference. We have a dedicated shade room with color corrective lights just for this purpose. At this time, we will take photos to record specific traits and annotate the esthetics that need to be recreated in the final crown. This extra trip to our facility will definitely be worth it and won’t take much of your patient’s time, but will increase the communication between us to get as close as we can to the patient’s existing smile.
*For patients within our local service
Custom Shade Staining
Restorations are done because patients want their smile to reflect who they are. When it is established that a custom staining is necessary for the finalization of a crown, we ask the dentist to loosen the temporary crown before sending the patient with the crown and models to the lab. At that time, we will customize the restoration as the patient waits and once the process is done, he or she can return to the office for the final cementation. This process can be coordinated so that this can all be one in a same day appointment.
Shade Photos
Photos can be a great communicative tool between a clinician and us. You can either print out your photos and send them with the case, or send them to us through e-mail at:
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